Grisaille painting by
Jacob de Wit 1740

My latest App - Grisaille (faux relief) It have
Tutorials for moldings
and ornaments. Of course also all information you
need to undertand how
to paint faux relief.

Here is an example of how an ornament take form when I paint.

To the left you see the sketch and to the right the finished ornament.
Below you find a kind of animation, in the app there are,of course,also tutorials with step by step pictures and descriptions.
Dubbel click picture for start
Singel click for stop.
Here you see one of my grisaille painting with (not finshed) egg and dart molding and an accantus ornament.
This ornament will be in the app, but without the egg and dart molding.
The App include :
Basics - What is grisaille
Tools-colors-glaze and brushes
How to paint
Light and Shadow
Tutorials: 2 Moldings and 2 ornament.
Camera function - make your grisaille album
Panel collection - for inspiration
After going through the tutorials you will understand how to make ilusion ornaments and moldings

Here you see two moldings from the molding tutorials.
